Monday, December 6, 2010

Serenity TV - Bringing People to Christ - by - Hearing People of Christ

Serenity TV.
We have a simple vision that springs out of our basic belief in Jesus Christ.  Our vision is to touch and encourage those who are searching for God through the testimony of other believers.

We believe that faith comes from hearing the message,and the message is heard through the word of Christ.  With that belief in mind Serenity TV will bring local and International “Testimonies” of real people, life long believers and former non-believers to our audience.   We will share how Jesus has touched and manifested himself in their lives,  bringing hope and encouragement to those who are seeking God.  We believe that Satan is defeated by the word of our testimony, our beliefs and by receiving Jesus Christ.

They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb
   and by the word of their testimony
Rev 12:11a.

Serenity TV will bring Testimonies and current affairs to our TV and internet followers boldly declaring that Jesus Christ is alive and working in our lives today! 
“Bringing people to Christ – by – Hearing people of Christ

Saturday, November 13, 2010

SIM Mission Statement

Serenity International Ministries (SIM) encourages Christians to influence every aspect of the world around us through sharing our testimonies and by being living examples of Christ through our lifestyles.  We want to bring understanding of who Jesus is, what he has done, and what he can do in our lives. We know that as believers we are “Ambassadors for Christ” and are called to demonstrate the love of Jesus in all that we do.

We believe in supporting our local church with our tithes, service and giving of our time and offerings to outreaches, charities and other ministries that support the word of God.

SIM strives to be the hands and feet of Jesus by searching out and assisting those in need and through local and international outreach, charities and our media programs.  In addition, as we enter into the “end times”, SIM brings awareness to believers that the second coming of or Lord Jesus Christ is very near.  Therefore, we are motivated to bring salvation and the good news about Jesus Christ to as many souls as we can touch in the time that we have left.

The Great Commission tells us to be disciples to all nations, bringing the message of salvation through Jesus Christ to all people.